Wednesday, August 26, 2020

the bomb :: essays research papers fc

     August sixth 1945, 70,000 lives were finished in a meter of seconds. The United States had dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima then on Nagasaki. Today many contend about whether or not the US ought to have taken such an intense measure. Was it completely important that we drop such a staggering weapon?      First see what was happening at the time the choice was made. The US had been battling a gigantic war since 1941. The result was evident yet the two sides kept on battling, and both were resolved to win. Clearly the best thing would have been to carry the war to a fast end, with at least losses. In a gathering on the eighteenth of June the Joint War plans Committee gave Truman anticipated passing rates going from a low of 31,000 to a high of 50,000. This number is a lot of lower than gauges from different sources. Air conditioning Snow, a News and Observer proofreader, composed â€Å"The attack was normal to be the Armageddon of world war II. A few history specialists venture that a million or more lives would have been lost.† President Truman and secretary of war, Henry Smitten, said that dropping the bomb was a military activity that stayed away from the loss of numerous lives in the up and coming intrusion of Kyushu.      I wonder what might have happened had the A-bomb not been utilized? The most evident thing is that the war would have proceeded for any longer. Us powers thusly, would have needed to attack the home island of Japan. A few students of history state the quantity of setbacks could have arrived at a million us warriors, dead or injured. Additionally, our powers would not just need to ward off the Japanese military, yet they would need to protect themselves against the regular people of Japan also. The Japanese would have proceeded to battle the US with all they had.      No one can say precisely what might have occurred, in light of the fact that let’s face it, nobody knows. It’s conceivable Japan was going to hand over its unqualified acquiescence, yet most proof would not concur with that. One thing that focuses to the Japanese not giving up would be Kamikaze pilots. Kamikaze were â€Å"suicide† pilots. They would stack a plane up with explosives and attempt to plunge it into an adversary target. The Japanese Officer would battle until the end, for his Emperor and his nation. They alarming thing about this is most of the Japanese’s military idea along these lines. The way that the adversary is prepared to bite the dust as long as you bite the dust with him isn't something that an officer needs to think

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Explanation of various types of fixed price

Fixed value contracts have a preset value that the seller must cling to in playing out the work and in giving materials. There are various kinds of fixed value contracts. Clarify them. [Explanation of different kinds of fixed cost contracts] 2. Direct contracting is another acquirement strategy that is utilized under a predetermined number of excellent conditions. Clarify the conditions for embracing direct contracting, prerequisites and steps for direct contracting Conditions for receiving direct contracting Requirements for direct contracting and Steps for direct contracting] 3.Write short notes on Cost Plus Fee Contracts. [Explanation of Cost Plus Fee Contracts Features Conditions for receiving Advantages and disadvantages] 4. The strategies for choosing a specialist are intended to accomplish the destinations of value, effectiveness, decency and straightforwardness in the determination procedure and to energize rivalry. Talk about any 2 techniques for choosing specialists. [Expla nation of any 2 of the strategies With Where it is suitable Type of assignments for which this strategy for choice is adopted] 5.The agreement introduction process initiates directly toward the starting phase of offer archive arrangement welcoming contractual workers to offer, and continues through the agreement exchange, temporary worker choice, checking and controlling of the contractual worker's work and ending the agreement. Clarify the territories that need consideration for successful control of the agreements in a task [Core capability of the undertaking administrator Requirements of the working framework Use of Work Breakdown Structure Recognizing the restrictions with flexibility] 6. Clarify the need of Procurement law and what are its goals? [Explain the need of Procurement law List the Objectives]

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Discussion Board Post Writing Guide

Discussion Board Post Writing Guide How to Write a Perfect Discussion Board Post on Your Own Home›Education Posts›How to Write a Perfect Discussion Board Post on Your Own Education PostsWhat is the  discussion board post?Discussion board post writing is an inseparable part of online learning process. If you are an active Internet usage, you must probably know that a discussion board post has always been the main social media meeting place. Also known as a message board, online form, discussion form or discussion post, the online board post serves as a means of communication and exchange of ideas on a specific topic. Actually, a discussion board is a bulletin board where people with similar interests can share their views and opinions and exchange their experience. As a rule, people who are frequent visitors of discussion boards communicate on some topical and controversial issues or problems.  You can create your own discussion board or participate in the already existing one by posting replies and comments to oth er students’ posts.The tradition of discussion forums has also merged into the college and university studying process as students are frequently encouraged to register on some platforms where they could discuss specific topics and exchange ideas. In this case, an online discussion post serves as a method of communication among students and professors. It is especially beneficial for establishing rapport between a student and a professor because students often distance themselves from professors and are frequently afraid of taking part in discussions in class.As such, the core functions of discussion boards for studying are the following:Online discussions enable you to meet with your classmates for discussion of interesting and controversial topics;You can exchange discussions related to your home assignments;You can learn how to apply the theoretical material learned during courses in practice (in the very process of discussing it with your peers and professors);You can obtain v aluable information about the terms and concepts learned in a specific class. Your professor might tell you to create a new board for discussions or participate in the existing one.Discussion board post writing may sometimes be a great means of earning additional points for your studying course. Therefore, do not miss this chance by participating in often engaging and interesting discussions with your classmates. %Want to order such type of writing? Our price starts at $11.99/page ORDER NOWWays to Ace Discussion Board Post Assignments in an Online ClassActually, there is a huge difference between face-to-face interaction among students or between a professor and a student in a regular class and online interaction. In an online class, it takes more than head nodding, head shaking, or mumbling something to make it clear whether you agree or disagree with one’s opinion. Actually, such gestures and mimics will not be helpful in an online class at all, so you need to master some other instruments of responding to others. One of such instruments is an online reply to the discussion thread of your fellow classmates or professors. When posting a reply to one’s discussion online post, you can provide a person with your own opinion on the subject or write some kind of a feedback. Besides, when reading classmates’ discussions, you can enrich your knowledge and actually gain more information that you might have derived from reading boring textbooks. Just look through some of the discussion post reply examples for your online class and see how the online communication is organized.Main Tips on How to Ace Discussion Board PostsCarefully read professor’s instructions and make sure you write your post according to the discussion requirements.Express your opinion directly and briefly. Still, do not forget to back it up with sufficient facts and examples taken from credible sources. It is also perfectly OK to relate the topic of your discussion with some other topics fr om adjacent fields.Do not procrastinate with discussion posts. Make sure you have enough time not only to post your own discussion but also to participate in the discussions of your classmates.Ask questions if you find something confusing.Make sure you give food for thought by your discussion posts.Read the instructions and prompt for your discussion post attentively!  Make sure that you understand the:Purpose of the post: What are the questions that you must answer?Specifics: How long should your discussion board post be?Quality: Do you need to use any sources? Do you need to incorporate your experiences into your discussion board post?Formatting and style: What format and style should you follow? How many sources should you use in writing?Follow the instructions and recommendations provided by your course teacher.How to Write a Good Discussion Board Post[short_tips]If you want to learn how to write a perfect discussion post on your own, follow our recommendations below:Get ready t o write your discussion board postBefore you start writing your discussion post, you will need to review all instructions and requirements provided by your tutor.Once you have reviewed the instructions, you will need to take some time and think about your personal experiences and what you are going to share in your discussion post.Brainstorm and choose the most relevant and strongest ideas for your discussion board post. Make sure that you remain focused and do not write too much unnecessary information in your discussion post.Write a discussion post that follows appropriate formatting and style, with an introduction, a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. Sound compelling and persuasive in your writing!Create a draft of your discussion postFind enough evidence to support your thesis and incorporate it into the body of your discussion post.Although discussion board writing is informal, you should still use scholarly and academic tone.Write in complete sentences and appropriate paragrap h structure. Never use Caps Lock.Review and revise the initial draft of your discussion board post:Now you should revise the initial draft of your discussion post.Make sure that you have been clear in the discussion and analysis of your main idea.Offer a new perspective on the issue or provide new evidence to challenge popular ideas discussed by your fellow mates.Use discussion post reply examples to write replies to the discussion posts made by your fellow students.See if you have used enough evidence to support your claims and findings.Check the spelling and grammar throughout your discussion board post.Now you can post your discussion and make it visible to others:Use your draft and post it for  the students.See if other students have responded to it.Check your grade for the discussion post online.You can learn to write perfect discussion board posts if you follow our advice. You can also ask for help online when you feel that discussion post writing is beyond your ability. Your skills and knowledge will boost your discussion board skills. Ask for help now or use our advice to produce an outstanding discussion post today.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why Minority Rights Became A Destabilizing Force After The...

In order to answer the question on why minority rights became such a destabilizing force after the war, we must first look at what caused this problem to become the forefront of many European minds. At the beginning of the interwar period, two pivotal events took place that left stains on Europe; stains that, to some, indirectly led to the start of World War 2. The first and most important event was the publishing of Woodrow Wilson s Fourteen points on January 8, 1918. These points were created in the hope to promote peace and harmony among the recently war stricken nations of Europe. One prominent point that came from this document was the idea of self-determination. This ideology encouraged people to form their own nation where they could choose rulers and live amongst others who share the same culture. This idea of belonging to one s own nation piqued the interest of the millions of people living in the various, heavily diverse countries of Europe. It also increased the feeling of nationalism across the board which spurred the need for self-determination even more. However, creating these new individual nation-states came with a difficult challenge due to these diverse populations commingling in different countries. 20th century European governments, fresh out of war, now had the task of meeting every group s desire to be established as a nation, while simultaneously creating peaceful environments. As we know now, that task was realistically impossible.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Woodrow Wilson s The Straw That Broke The War Peace Conference, And The Creation Of State998 Words   |  4 Pagesformed. The Minority question that arose following the war, albeit important, was not as much of a destabilizing force in this time as people like to think. It was only the byproduct of events that took place. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay on Oppression In Minorities and Persons With...

When people hear the term oppression, they immediately associate this word with the struggles minorities have endured throughout history. This term does not only apply to the tribulations of various ethnic groups but also to persons with disabilities. Oppression means the use of authority or power in a way that is cruel and unjust. Even though the times have changed, both minorities and persons with disabilities still fight this battle daily to be treated equally. America is one of the most accepting countries in the world, yet one of the most prejudice and oppressive at the same time. Minorities have been oppressed since this country was established. The Native Americans were the first inhabitants of America until the Spanish†¦show more content†¦In earlier years, the Chinese immigrants were welcomed into this country because the United States needed laborers to build the transcontinental railroads (Trublu, 2012). The Japanese were also accepted immigrants in the Unite d States until the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. After Pearl Harbor was bombed, the United States government rounded up all of the Japanese citizen, regardless if they were American born or Japanese born and sent them to live in concentration camps. These American citizens were stripped of their rights and forced to live in communities where they could be watched by the government (Trublu, 2012). African Americans were kept in bondage even after their freedom was granted. It took approximately 100 years for African Americans to receive rights equal to other American citizens. In the 1600s, Africans were brought to this country to serve as laborers. Africans were worked excessively, murdered, beaten, and sold like animals. By 1789, the United States Constitution recognized African Americans as being three-fifths of a person. Even though the 13th Amendment ended slavery, the 14th Amendments guaranteed rights to all United States citizens, and the 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race or previous servitude African Americans were still oppressed (Trublu, 2012). African Americans were denied access to establishments and could notShow MoreRelatedHow Does A Person With Disability Fit Into A Multicultural Paradigm?805 Words   |  4 PagesHow does a person with a disability fit into a multicultural paradigm? Do they fit into a multicultural paradigm? What happens when a person with a disability is also a member of another marginalized group? In order to answer these questions and fully understand disabilities in multiculturalism, we will examine how a person with disability fits into a pluralist multicultural paradigm. To begin, we must first have a solid understanding of the pluralist multicultural paradigm. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My father had told me that I should consider first my budget Free Essays

I am so excited in buying my first car. Can’t wait to drive it! As I was browsing through catalogues and asking friends and family I’ve learned that there are factors that I have to consider in purchasing a car. I thought it was as easy as buying a chocolate bar at the store. We will write a custom essay sample on My father had told me that I should consider first my budget or any similar topic only for you Order Now My father had told me that I should consider first my budget. What’s the budget I’ve allotted for my car? It was only then that I had thought about it. It seems that my budget won’t match the car I’ve dreamed of buying. So my father told me to think of the other factors, such as, look for a car that would fit my budget. Next is the quality of the car, like the engine and the body; and lastly are the features of the car. What I did was look through the catalogues and brochures again. Write on a piece of paper the features I like and the kind of engine that fits my lifestyle. On the other side are the features of the cars I’m looking at. Cross out the things that I don’t like, and left out what I like and the things that match them. It was only then that I was able to choose the car that I’ll be purchasing. But there are three choices left, which I really have to think about and consider. I again consulted my father about it to finalize my decision. He told me to go and check out the cars that are in my list, â€Å"Once you’re there and check them you’ll know which one is for you. † And I did went to check the cars out. I wasn’t able to see the third choice for when I saw the second car I knew it was for me. As if it was calling me, when I approached it to check out the seats, the interiors and engine, I didn’t waste any time at all and spoke to the car salesman. That afternoon I negotiated with the salesman and was able to purchase the car less than my budget. I felt so accomplished and victorious. The salesman told me to go back after a few days for the car. I called my father while I was walking out of the office, telling him what happened. He was just laughing while I was talking. I kept on talking as if I didn’t hear he was laughing on the other line. When I was finished he said, â€Å"That’s what I was telling you. Now you know what I was saying. And I can say that you’re too proud and happy that you were able to purchase your first car on your own. † When I heard that I just nodded and said, â€Å"Thank you very much, Dad. I love you. † It was such a fulfilling feeling that, I won’t forget that experience. I go with the same process every time I would purchase something. I’ve learned a lot from my father. How to cite My father had told me that I should consider first my budget, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Social Policy Absolute vs. Relative Poverty

Question: Discuss about remedial action for addressing poverty, assessing the influence of markets on the provision of housing, health, or employment in Britain.strengths and weaknesses of current policy? Answer: Poverty In the current scenario, the concept of poverty is sensitive in nature and a real issue. The notion of poverty in the UK is taken into consideration by the government as a vital social concern. In reality, poverty is multi-dimensional in nature. It is not only concerned with money. It also spreads to jobs, access to the services of the public, environment, as well as ambition. Moreover, it can also relate to education, housing, training, family life, drug abuse, etc. Hence, the main area that will be addressed is the child poverty. Tony Blair in his speech stated that poverty straddles the income and have a deep-rooted impact on services and jobs (Chappel Richardson, 2009). Poverty, its existence within the UK and even on a global scenario has been witnessed as a major issue. The main issue in defining the term poverty lies in the fact what does it link to? It is important to ascertain that whether it is materialistic or economic in nature. Secondly, it is important to determine that whether it is subsistence or materialistic in nature. There are innumerable questions that can be raised to define the concept of poverty, but unfortunately, there is no universal definition of poverty. Absolute vs. Relative poverty The idea of absolute poverty came into existence centuries ago, that aimed to attract attention to the condition of the poor. It is stated considering standard that is absolute minimum and dwells on the notion of subsistence. The normal condition should be met to have a lifestyle that is healthy. The terms trace a well-defined set of resources that all individuals need for maintaining a good lifestyle, shelter, food, and water. The majority of the sociologists accept the idea of poverty on a universal scale because without the necessities, it is not possible to survive and humans require the basic elements for existence (Dahl Lochner, 2012). Hence, people who are devoid of these vital elements for survival can be group under the concept of absolute poverty. The main fact that is concerned with absolute poverty is that although the majority of the people accept it, what is needed to sustain life within a society is prone to change with the passage of time. Hence, it is important to d efine poverty within the ambit of the society to which it belongs. This is the point where many support the concept of relative poverty (Monea Thomas, 2011). On the other hand, the term relative poverty is constructed socially within societies and is prone to change with the passage of time but on a fundamental note, it pertains to people who are living below a certain level of standard. This pre-defined standard in various countries focuses on the individual economics and the standard of living to which they are accustomed (Mani et. al, 2013). Relative poverty is a term that dwells upon differences between the levels that exists between the standard of living of the poor with that of the of living of the other member of the society that are not clubbed as poor. Majorly, it involves a measurement of the average standard of the society where poverty is being taken into consideration for the purpose of the study. It is to be noted that this definition is not considered relevant in nature due to the materialistic things that are not considered as important in other societies (Smith, 2005).When it comes to Britain, the major mean of defining relative poverty is by the utilization of welfare benefits. Adam Smith and Karl Max founded that the notion of relative poverty relative poverty keep the people from participating within the limitations of the society in which they dwell (Dahl Lochner, 2012). In highlighting both the theories, it can be said that the definition of absolute poverty or relative has similarity in nature. Both the concept pertains to the basic requirement to survive. The definition of absolute poverty contains relative judgments that can be applied to any society in particular. Time, as well, culture undergoes a sea change, and it is two factors that are considered within the structure of absolute poverty. The concept of relative poverty needs that it can be differentiated from the inequalities. Remedial action for addressing poverty The strategy must establish measures that are specific in nature and target the correct area so that the evaluation connect to the group that is needed. This will enhance the measures to gather, as well as monitor data that is not available on the groups that are exposed to risk. Moreover, the government must seek to establish the Commission on Child Poverty and strengthen the power so that the government pays heed to the matter. Setting up commission will enable attraction of expert advice on the strategys content. If any provision is flouted, then the government can be held responsible for the breach of the Child Poverty Act 2010 (Walker, 2013). The strategy will play an important role in supporting the government to meet the aims of enhancing social mobility. Result of studies Various studies have been undertaken that signifies that signifies the effect of poverty is a burden to the poor. The studies reveal that the notion of poverty needs to be remove, and that can be done with the help of strong policy action and the presence of the government. The absence of government policies and action has failed to provide any well-defined result (Walker, 2013). Moreover, local, as well as national government should pay adequate attention to the early years of a child because this will lead to a strong development and well-being. Assessing the influence of markets in the provision of housing, health, or employment in Britain. There is a strong role of the market on the provision of housing, health, and employment. The market determines the future and scope of the people. If the labor market is strong and absorbs majority of the people then it can provide solidity to the provision of housing, health, and employment. This is because the workers will earn money for their labor and in tune will provide it to housing and health. Lower wages disrupt the smooth functioning and have a negative influence on the provision of housing and health (Haymes et. al, 2015). Therefore, it is essential that the labor market is properly synchronize that may provide strong stability and aids human capital. If the labor market provides a good return to the workers then a strong result can be a witness in housing, health, and employment. Strengths and weaknesses of current policy. Child poverty is the main issue that is taken into consideration. The current policy that deals with it, has both strength and weakness. The min strength that is a witness is the presence of Child Poverty Act 2010 that has been highlighted and properly advocated. This attracts the attention of government and hence result-oriented. The priority areas are determined, and therefore, the framework is present providing a bigger stage for the progress (Haymes et. al, 2015). The weakness of the current policy is that it failed to achieve the target as the independent commission is missing and hence, results cannot be produced. The government did not lay much attention to the policy and hence, it is a setback. To ensure success and strong movement, it is essential that a commission needs to be established that will look after the framework for tackling the child poverty at both the national, as well as the international level (Shah, 2010) Local government role is important, and the lack of it leads to the major drawback. Specific measures are absent and hence, the problem persists. References Chapple, S and Richardson, D 2009, Doing better for children, Paris: OECD Dahl, G. B Lochner, L 2012, The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit, American Economic Review, vol.102, no. 5, pp. 1927 Haymes, S, Maria, H and Reuben, M 2015, The Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the United States, Routledge. Mani, A, Mullainathan, S, Shafir, E, Zhao, J 2013, Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function, Science, vol. 341, pp. 976980. Monea J, Thomas A 2011, Unintended pregnancy and taxpayer spending, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, vol. 43, pp. 8893 Shah A 2010, Poverty Facts and Stats. Global Issues Smith, S.C. 2005, Ending Global Poverty: a guide to what works, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Walker, D 2013, The children going hungry in America, viewed 21 March 2016,