Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay on Oppression In Minorities and Persons With...

When people hear the term oppression, they immediately associate this word with the struggles minorities have endured throughout history. This term does not only apply to the tribulations of various ethnic groups but also to persons with disabilities. Oppression means the use of authority or power in a way that is cruel and unjust. Even though the times have changed, both minorities and persons with disabilities still fight this battle daily to be treated equally. America is one of the most accepting countries in the world, yet one of the most prejudice and oppressive at the same time. Minorities have been oppressed since this country was established. The Native Americans were the first inhabitants of America until the Spanish†¦show more content†¦In earlier years, the Chinese immigrants were welcomed into this country because the United States needed laborers to build the transcontinental railroads (Trublu, 2012). The Japanese were also accepted immigrants in the Unite d States until the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. After Pearl Harbor was bombed, the United States government rounded up all of the Japanese citizen, regardless if they were American born or Japanese born and sent them to live in concentration camps. These American citizens were stripped of their rights and forced to live in communities where they could be watched by the government (Trublu, 2012). African Americans were kept in bondage even after their freedom was granted. It took approximately 100 years for African Americans to receive rights equal to other American citizens. In the 1600s, Africans were brought to this country to serve as laborers. Africans were worked excessively, murdered, beaten, and sold like animals. By 1789, the United States Constitution recognized African Americans as being three-fifths of a person. Even though the 13th Amendment ended slavery, the 14th Amendments guaranteed rights to all United States citizens, and the 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race or previous servitude African Americans were still oppressed (Trublu, 2012). African Americans were denied access to establishments and could notShow MoreRelatedHow Does A Person With Disability Fit Into A Multicultural Paradigm?805 Words   |  4 PagesHow does a person with a disability fit into a multicultural paradigm? Do they fit into a multicultural paradigm? What happens when a person with a disability is also a member of another marginalized group? In order to answer these questions and fully understand disabilities in multiculturalism, we will examine how a person with disability fits into a pluralist multicultural paradigm. To begin, we must first have a solid understanding of the pluralist multicultural paradigm. 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