Saturday, March 28, 2020

Everyone knows that all races of women have been t Essays

Everyone knows that all races of women have been through a lot just to get where they are today and they're still facing a lot of problems. Before the 1900's, women were unable to do a lot of things just because they're women. Women have been dealing with these types of problems for almost all of their existence. All of these problems vary from stereotypical things, doubtful people, and just from the mere fact that they're women. Women have been dealing with stereotypical things said about themselves for their whole existence. Women have had problems with voting, having their own rights, and many other problems. Although there is an woman suffrage amendment out, that still doesn't stop a lot of men from thinking all woman are better off in the kitchen. Woman's history month was created in 1987 with the designated month of March to be the month for it to take place. Congress had an fifteen da meet ing, discussing the plan before they made it an actual amendment. At first they had March 8 the designated week for National woman's history week but as the time went on, Woman's history week moved onto woman's history month. It was a time to recognize women for their accomplishments and their future push to get equal rights. People may say that women already have equal rights but their still unable to get the big jobs that men are able to have, such as president and more. They're usually referr ed to being to weak and they cannot handle the job. Women's suffrage is the right for women to vote in elections. Before this, women were not able to vote for some weird reason. People thought that they were unable to pick out a president and that they were not concerned with politics. It was also included in the 19 th amendment, very important to the constitution. The 15 th amendment made it illegal for the federal or state government to deny any US citizen the right to vote. The 19 th amendment was also named the Susan B Anthony . It was named after Susan B Anthony because of her efforts in the woman suffrage movement, she even had her own National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). To conclude, Women have been through a lot of struggle just to get to where they are today. They went from being identified as housewives to being identified as president runner-up's and nominees. All of this is thanks to a lot of women interfering with the way things were and wanting more and better things to be known and respected about themselves.

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